Phonics Training - Shropshire Tutor

Phonics Staff Training

What will be taught?

I hear, I forget, I see, I learn, I do, I understand

Phonics is a systematic method for teaching children to read and write, showing the relationship between written letters of the alphabet and the sounds of spoken language.

Learn a range of play-based phonics activities.

Key topics:

  • Your understanding of phonics
  • Letters and sounds
  • Help children develop physical skills for writing
  • Your role in supporting children’s phonic development
  • Planning effective phonics activities
  • Phonics good practice

Course Details

Duration: 2.5 hours

Who should attend: All practitioners

Level: Phases 1 & 2

Venue: Your premises (or we can arrange a suitable location)

Handouts: These shall be provided on the day to all delegates

Max No. of Delegates: 10


What the delegates will gain?

At the end of the course the delegates will have:

  • a clearer understanding of the principles underpinning the Letters & Sounds documentation
  • an understanding of phonics from an EAL perspective
  • a training pack that contains:
    • practical ideas
    • useful resources
    • phonics terminology
    • Jolly Phonics information
    • Read Write Inc handwriting rhymes and characters
    • lesson structure & assessment
  • the opportunity to plan a session and ask questions in a fun and friendly environment
  • the opportunity to analyse OFSTED reports and observations made on the teaching of letters and sounds in various settings

Practitioner, ABC Day Nursery

I now have the confidence to apply what I have learnt today to children within my care.


The course was very interactive and fun and therefore I found that I had learnt allot more than if it was just a course that provided handouts. I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of it.

Why choose us?

  • We visit you at your setting beforehand to find out your focus as a nursery/childminder and staff needs.
  • We tailor our training session to meet the needs of your setting. We can deliver twilight sessions and/or day sessions depending on your needs.
  • The course is open to as many delegates as you wish to send and can be run over a series of sessions.
  • Our training opens up the world of synthetic phonics and the integration of the letters and sounds documentation, focusing on activities and ideas for phase one (Aspects 1-7, with a focus on alliteration, blending and segmenting) phase two (Introducing letters and their sounds) and phase 3 (tricky words/high-frequency words).
  • On completion of training delegates will receive a certificate of attendance for their CPD files.
  • We can also visit your setting post-training to work alongside staff in planning, delivering and assessment.

Request our training brochure

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